Meet our highly professional, dedicated staff who will do everything they can to make sure your visit is a pleasant one.

Judy Hawk

Colon Hydrotherapist

Judy Hawk

Sedona Colon Care
65 Tranquil Avenue
Sedona, Arizona

Phone:928 202-7889


single session $110

series of three $315

includes chlorophyll 

cash or check only






colon hydrotherapy, colonic, colon irrigation, cleanse, Sedona Ultra-Filteration
Structured Water Technology
colonic, colon irrigation, colon therapy, colon hydrotherapy The Hydr-San plus
colonic, colon irrigation, colon therapy, colon hydrotherapy Liver Cleanse


I haveI have been seeing Judy for more than 7 years and have always found her to be one of the most attentive,caring and knowledgeable Colon Hydrotherapists anywhere. I have been doing this therapy for over 25 years and I recommend Judy highly. I particular like the clean,gentle,peaceful atmosphere.  A big plus for me is the use the superior ‘Closed End’ hydrotherapy machine which I have seen consistently excellent results for years. It’s the finest most effective device and by far the cleanliest. No forcing or pushing on the body, no harmful cleansing fumes or cleaners are used as compared to the open device others use. Overall Judy makes for a stressless pleasant experience.   A+++++++

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