Raw Food Creations by Sedona woman Susan Wolfe

Raw foods are a wonderful way to help the digestive system process food and bring nutrition into the whole body system. These foods are easily digested and the small intestine and colon will not have to work as much to process hard, cooked, heavy or processed meals. Just adding raw foods when one can will help. Also fruit and vegetable smoothies are a joy to the body. They help to hydrate and soften the digestive tubes. By starting slow with these delicious foods it can be easier to keep them as a lifestyle. At least adding them into the diet will help considerably.


Raw zucchini pasta (made in the spiralizer), with sun dried tomatoes, artichoke hearts, kalamata olives, grape tomatoes, and fresh pesto with fresh Parmesan sprinkled on top.  


Almond nut pâté with beets and other veggies on a bed of lettuce with fresh apricots and basil. 



Romaine lettuce with avocado, artichoke hearts, jicama, and fresh apricots with light dressing.



Fresh veggie rolls with fresh basil and a apricot peanut butter curry dipping sauce.  Mmmm!






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